Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Gratitude Tuesday

Hooray its Gratitude Tuesday again! Today is "E" day....

E for Electricity, otherwise we would always be in the dark! hehehe

E for Eggs a versatile quick meal anytime.

E for Entertainment a good way to relax and have some fun.

E for Elephants a majestic animal that can be fun to watch.

E for Everyone who reads and comments on our blog! Thanks for the fun we've had so far.

E for Eyes to see with and Ears to hear with, because without them I would have missed so very much in my life!

E for Easter, one of my favorite times of year.

Well there you go have an "E"xcellent day!!!!!



Paul said...

Allie, thanks for the great list, it's OK to comment in the garden, CeeCi likes it.
Warm hugs,

CeeCi said...

Hi Allie!

Great list for the letter E. I hope you have an "E"xcellent day too!

ciao bella~

Shephard said...

Love Elephants!
Visiting from CeeCi's.
I played today.

Alex spanks Allie said...

Paul, Ceeci & Shephard, thanks for the nice comments on my list! I love posting them. Please feel free to stop by any time.
