Sunday, May 13, 2007

We're in a Funk....

Well you probably could tell that something is different here on our blog, I have to admit we have fallen into a funk, or a non-spanking block...We were going along pretty well and then we both got sick a couple weeks apart so no spankings took place and that is where we seem to be stuck. I guess we need to set down and talk about it some more and refocus. I dont want to give up on the "DD" again but we just dont seem to be headed the way we were. Any advice you guys could offer would be help, that for sure.

Hopefully we will be back to spanking again soon, we just have to figure out how to get out of our "blahh" space. Otherwise things are good here.. Hope everyone else is having a great spanking time..


Saturday, May 5, 2007


Well I'm being told that I will get a spanking tonight!!! yeah... I know that sounds dumb but I really feel like I need one, Im feeling pretty bitchy and very short tempered, so I'm sure it will help mellow me out and get me focused back to where I need to be. I hope it will be one that starts out a bit slow and works it's way up they are my favorite. I really am not fond of the rapid fire method, it's just too shocking to my behind and seeing that it has not been warmed up in a couple weeks it's likely to get tender pretty quick. I guess that if probably why Alex tends to use the rapid fire method for those dreaded punishments.

Well I'll post more later or tomorrow and let you know how it turned out.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Getting back to normal

Well things are getting back to normal here little by little. Alex is feeling much better, thank goodness! and we are adjusting to the ball schedule better. Thankfully we only have 2 games this week.

I did get a couple hard smacks on my behind last night for being a brat, something Im told we will take care of this weekend.. hmmmmm...

Oh and get this, Alex told me my "extra" chore this weekend is going to be cutting out a paddle I designed, I have been tinkering with drawing one here and there so we'll see how that goes. If it turns out well maybe I'll post a picture on here.
