Sunday, May 13, 2007

We're in a Funk....

Well you probably could tell that something is different here on our blog, I have to admit we have fallen into a funk, or a non-spanking block...We were going along pretty well and then we both got sick a couple weeks apart so no spankings took place and that is where we seem to be stuck. I guess we need to set down and talk about it some more and refocus. I dont want to give up on the "DD" again but we just dont seem to be headed the way we were. Any advice you guys could offer would be help, that for sure.

Hopefully we will be back to spanking again soon, we just have to figure out how to get out of our "blahh" space. Otherwise things are good here.. Hope everyone else is having a great spanking time..



Anonymous said...

Hope you guys get out of that funk! We've been there too...sometimes life just takes over. You'll get back to it when the time is right!


Anonymous said...

I hear you!! We've been in somewhat of a funk ourselves since Christmas. Sigh. When you figure out how to get out of it, let me know!!!


Alex spanks Allie said...

Emilie & Eva thanks for the encouraging words! I hope we figure it out soon too.


Anonymous said...

recoup,regroup, and recognize!

~~take your time. Get well, both of you.

~~spend moments sharing your thoughts, reading other sites (to gain perspective upon what other DD couples are up to, (or, not; remember, you're not alone. RL happens!)

~~recognize [re: "re-cognition" = recognition..remember, again, think]: This is the third step:

Together, recognize, the "funk" as a magnification of what brings you together, as well as what makes you both separate individuals, engaged in a relationship of "Special" significance.

The key to getting back, (out of "the funk," as you call it) most likely lies somewhere within those moments when you are both together~~not involved in DD, or spanking, but reflecting, and then, each of you writing your own space; your own place, within the relationship you share.

Maybe, these ideas will bring fruit, and blossom into a truly "paired" blog, where you can have a dialogue, made up of both "funk"
& spanking.

It's just a matter of being yourselves, and not be TOO hard on yourselves if you draw some "down-time."

Take care, you two.

I hope you'll continue, in happiness & love...I know, I'll read anything you both would like to share.

xxx,adam b. ~~formerly, "res"

Anonymous said...

Missing you guys A LOT!

I hope you are both feeling better and that you are doing okay.


Anonymous said...

We've probably all been there if we've practiced the lifestyle very long. I've "quit" dd several times because of the ups and downs, the on and offs. It can be an emotional rollercoaster. Eventually I learned that there will be times when we are distracted with activities, illness, stress, whatever. Eventually our attention turns back to our roles and this lifestyle we live. I've learned to go with it when its going well, and just wait it out when it's not going at all.

One thing that helps is to be creative with a "special evening" with my husband. I'll let him know I'm sending the kids to my mom's or planning something romantic. That seems to get things back on track. I'll even be bold enough to leave out an implement that I've been craving.

Good luck! Hang in there.

Alex spanks Allie said...

everyone thank you so much for the advice we really appreciate it!!!