Monday, June 4, 2007

Checking in

Well I thought I best put something out here since its been ages since I've had anything to say! sorry about that. Not much has changed here, we are still working on our non spanking thing I do believe we are getting closer.

Our little miss has taken so to softball that our whole house has revolved around that for the entire month of May and part of June and now she made the all star team so we will be tied up until the first of July!!! we are so proud of her, but man the running around does get a bit much.

On the spanking note, Alex did threaten to paddle me this last weekend, but we just never got around to it, see I told you things were starting to get back to normal a little! We just need to make time to do it.

I hope everyone else is well and having great fun..



Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear something from you guys! It's always good to know friends are still alive!!!


Beginning with "B" said...

keep on, keepin' on, kids!

~~I'll always be reading up on yez!

xx,adam b.